
Investment Advisory For Individual Investors

What does the service include?

Investment advice customized to an individual's requirements after a thorough analysis of the individuals' financial health. Investment advice will be based on a comprehensive study into the client’s assets, income, goals as well as liabilities, responsibilities and constraints. Investment advice will be tailor-made to suit the client’s return requirements and risk appetite.

What is the Rationale behind this service offering?

Imagine the difference between hiring an architect to design a house and sketching a design yourself. The architect's fees are a small price to pay to ensure that everything is thought through and professionally managed. The decision-making is still in your hands. The architect just makes the process easier.

Now think about trusting an investment advisor vs. chalking up your own investment plan. Just as an architect helps convert your needs and wants into a feasible and optimum design, an investment advisor helps you realize your financial goals in the best possible way.

Who should hire an investment advisor?

Everyone who wishes to be financially healthy but cannot devote enough time and effort into doing it themselves efficiently.

How does it work?

Step 1: We understand the client's financial health through a comprehensive questionnaire and interactions with the client.

Step 2: Based on the information provided by the client, we analyze the client's return requirements and risk appetite.

Step 3: After careful study of every client's individual case, we recommend a portfolio of stocks and mutual funds (both debt and equity) to suit the client's profile.

Step 4: We keep track of the performance of the recommended portfolio and give timely updates of the recommended companies to the clients.

Step 5: Client acts on the recommendations.

Our responsibilities:

  • A thorough analysis of the client's finances.
  • Recommendation of an appropriate portfolio of about 15 stocks.
  • Timely result and event updates of the recommended stocks.
  • Portfolio rebalancing when required. 
  • Keeping of the performance of the recommended portfolio.

Client's responsibilities:

  • Providing honest and complete information. The output is dependent on the quality of input. 
  • Acting on our recommendations in a timely manner.
Cost Benefits
Annual upfront fee as a % of Assets Under Advisement Our Expertise in the Equity and Debt markets
No minimum fund requirement
No lock-in period
No profit share
Tailor made equity portfolio

Terms and Conditions

  • We will not be executing transactions on behalf of clients. The responsibility of acting on recommendations lies with the clients.
  • Our return calculations will be based on the Model portfolio. Clients are expected to take timely action on recommendations. A delay in action from the client’s side may result in a significant difference compared to the Model portfolio.
  • No refund of the upfront fees.